Pick Your Country Song by Carol Cotherman (USA) 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Dance
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#16-count intro. One restart after 8 counts on Wall 3 facing 6:00.
Side, Together, Locking Shuffle Back, Rock, Recover, Locking Shuffle Forward 1-2Step right to side, step left beside right 3&4Step right back, lock left over right, step right back 5-6Rock left back slightly behind right, recover to right 7&8Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward *Locking shuffles can be danced as just regular shuffles.
Step, ½ Pivot Turn with Touch, Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Coaster Step 1-2Step right forward, ½ pivot turn left keeping weight on right touch left toe in front of right 3&4Step left forward, step right by left, step left forward 5-6Rock right forward, recover on left 7&8Step right back, step left by right, step right forward (6:00)
Step, ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle, Sway, Sway, Behind, Side, Cross 1-2Step left forward, ¼ pivot right taking weight to right (9:00) 3&4Cross left over right, step right to right, cross left over right 5-6Step right to side swaying hips right, recover to left swaying hips to left 7&8Step right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left Step with Dip, Touch, Step with Dip, Touch, Side, Together, Shuffle Forward 1-2Step left to side with a dip and angling to right diagonal, touch right slightly forward 3-4Step right to side with a dip and angling to left diagonal, touch left slightly forward 5-6Step left to side, step right beside left 7&8Step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward *Optional finger snaps on counts 2 & 4 (with touches)
Restart: Wall 3 after 8 counts - You are facing 6:00 to start Wall 3 and restart facing 6:00.
Ending: Final wall starts facing 6:00. Dance 14 counts. After the Rock, Recover (Counts 13-14), step back on right and touch left toe in front of right.