My New Life by John Offermans (NL) 48 Count 4 Wall Beginner Dance
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STEP, LOCK, STEP, BRUSH, STEP, LOCK, STEP, BRUSH 1-2Step forward on right, lock left behind right 3-4Step forward on right, brush left forward 5-6Step forward on left, lock right behind left 7-8Step forward on left, brush right forward
ROCK STEP, TOE STRUTS BACK 1-2Rock forward on right, recover on left 3-4Step back on right toe, lower right heel 5-6Step back on left toe, lower left heel 7-8Step back on right toe, lower right heel
SLOW COASTER STEP BACK, HOLD, STEP, PIVOT ½, LEFT, HOLD 1-2Step back on left. Close right next to left 3-4Step forward on left, hold 5-6Step forward on right, make ½ turn left (weight on left) 7-8Step forward on right, hold
STEP, PIVOT ½ TURN RIGHT, HOLD, PRISSY WALK, WITH HOLDS 1-2Step forward on left, make ½ turn right (weight on right) 3-4Step forward on left, hold 5-6Cross right over left, hold 7-8Cross left over right, hold
CROSS, STEP, CROSS, HOLD, DIAGONAL TOE STRUT 1-2Cross right over left, step left to the left (small step) 3-4Cross right over left, hold 5-6Step on left toe to left diagonal, lower left heel 7-8Cross right toe over left, lower right heel
DIAGONAL TOE STRUTS, SIDE, ¼ TURN RIGHT, STEP, BRUSH 1-2Step on left toe to left diagonal, lower left heel 3-4Cross right toe over left, lower right heel 5-6Rock step left to left side, make ¼ turn right and step forward on right 7-8Step forward on left, brush right forward