Country Gold by Lisa M. Johns-Grose 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Dance
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R LINDY- L LINDY 1&2Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right 3-4Rock back left, recover right 5&6Step left to left, step right next to left, step left to left 7-8Rock back right, recover left *** RE-START HERE on wall 5 (facing 12:00 o’clock) AND 11 (facing 3:00 o’clock)
R SHUFF FWD- L SHUFF FWD - R BOX ¼ CROSS 1& 2Step forward right, step left next to right, step forward right 3&4Step forward left, step right next to left, step forward left 5-8Step right across left, step back left, step right ¼ turn right, Step left across right
R POINT HOLD - L POINT HOLD –R HEEL- L HEEL - R TAP TAP 1-2Point right to right side, hold &3-4Step right next to left, point left to left side, hold &5Step left next to right, touch right heel forward &6Step right next to left, touch left heel forward &7-8Step left next to right, as you touch right toes forward to the right diagonal tap right heel twice, keeping toes on the ground (lean back a bit for styling)
R K-STEP W/ CLAPS 1-2Step right diagonal forward to right, touch left next to right/clap 3-4Step left diagonal back to the left, touch right next to left/clap 5-6Step right back diagonal to the right, touch left next to right/clap 7-8Step left diagonal forward to left, touch right next to left/clap