American Kids by Randy Pelletier (USA) 32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Dance
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Intro: Start on Lyrics
[1-8] HEEL, TOGETHER, HEEL TOGETHER, WALK, WALK, TAP X2 1 - 2Touch right heel forward, step right next to left 3 - 4Touch left heel forward, step left next to right 5 - 6Step right forward, step left forward 7 - 8tap right foot next to left twice
[9 - 16] 1/4 RIGHT MONTEREY TURN, JAZZBOX 1 - 2Point right to right side. Turn 1/4 right stepping right beside left. 3 - 4Point left to left side. Step left beside right. 5 - 6Cross right over left, step back on left 7 - 8Step right to right side, step left slightly forward **(Restart here on 6th wall)
[17 - 24] SLIDE, TOUCH, POINT, TOUCH, VINE LEFT WITH 1/4 TURN LEFT, BRUSH 1 - 2Slide right to right side, touch left beside right 3 - 4Point left to left side, touch left beside right 5 - 6Step left foot to left side, cross right behind left. 7 - 8Turning ¼ Left step left foot to left side, brush right next to left
[25 - 32] STEP FWD, CLAP, TURN ½ LEFT, CLAP, STEP FWD, CLAP, TURN ¼ LEFT, CLAP 1 - 2Step right forward (weighted), hold and clap 3 - 4Pivot ½ left (shifting weight to left), hold and clap 5 - 6Step right forward (weighted), hold and clap 7 - 8Pivot ¼ left (shifting weight to left), hold and clap REPEAT
EASY RESTART - that you can easily hear in the music. * On 6th wall (2nd time you start dance facing 3 O’clock) dance through count 16 and Restart dance. (You will be facing back wall when the Restart occurs)
All Rights Reserved. This Step Sheet may not be altered in any way without the written permission of the Choreographer. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format.
Contact: Randy Pelletier - Email: Randy@OneEyedParrot.Org - Tel: 413-366-1540